If you’re a big fan of The Hunger Games, the film not the book, then you’ll want to hear about The Tomorrow People’s latest grab. A show about people who paranormal abilities is the perfect place for Leven Rambin, who is so far best known for playing Glimmer in The Hunger Games. Science fiction might be the genre made for her and it doesn’t look like she’s going to be backing down from it. I say great! It is always awesome to see an attractive girl getting messy in a gritty science fiction story, even if it is the CW’s idea of science fiction (everybody is ridiculously good-looking no matter what).
According to TV Guide, Rambin will be guest starring in the final three episodes of The Tomorrow People’s first season. She will be playing Natalie, a troublemaking paranormal with no love for humans. She immediately hits it off with Russell (Aaron Yoo) and the two become a sort of super-powered version of Bonnie and Clyde. Everything seems all fine and dandy until she threatens to join up with Ultra, potentially starting a mutiny because of it. What kind of repercussions will this have for Russell? Considering the emphasis on Rambin’s appearance in the final episodes of the season, I’d say yeah, there are going to be some serious consequences. See more
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