On Friday, Entertainment Weekly posted an interview with the creator, who dished on the series and why the characters have all separated and paired up with others.
"The overall idea here was to get characters out of their comfort zone," Kirkman said. "Outside of Rick and Carl, you're not really seeing characters that are often associated with each other grouped together. So Glenn and Maggie are separated. Daryl and Carol are obviously separated. Tyreese and his sister are separated. We really wanted to do the most interesting pair-ups."Kirkman then mentioned that this next episode will be a huge deal and full of memorable surprises.
"I would say this is a big one. It's definitely one that people are going to remember and it's definitely one people are going to talk about," Kirkman said. "If there is one episode of The Walking Dead that you absolutely had to watch this season, it would be this one. You kind of have to watch all of them, but it's going to be a big episode. We're going to catch a lot of people off guard." See more
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